Sunday, 19 May 2013

Evolution 5.0 Custom Rom for Galaxy Y [ Play GTA III ][Link Updated]

Hi Guys Presenting Evolution 5.0 Custom Rom for Galaxy Y Feel the Power of Evolution on Your Galaxy Y .This Rom is able to Play GTA III so, friends why are u waiting for.

Advanced Settings, exellent performance and a sleek, all you want for your galaxy y!!

White Kernel 1.3.3

The best kernel for galaxy y, the White Kernel (Developed by whitexp) reaches a final version. The kernel possesses 5 frequencies:


Deep Sleep (Activates when the cell gets with the screen blocked)

Beats Audio

The best mod for the sound, Beats, With Beats Audio, you have several options but either compress it or makes it more acute, increasing the low tones and more.

Bravia Engine

Just a tweak to improve the quality of images and videos

4 Power button boots

Added the list of "Phone options":


ICS Calculator


- Copy and paste
- Advanced mathematical functions: trigonometry, logarithms, parenthesis, exponencias
- And much more!!

Finally! A calculator perfectly clear
Simple and efficient calculator Best! Always
Very nice impressive simple calculator.


Enables you restingir which applications can access the data network (3G/Wi-Fi)

This is a perfect solution if you do not have an unlimited data plan, or just wants to see your battery last longer.

Check out some more thing Rom:


ICS FM Radio

MIUI Notes and File Explorer

ICS / JB task and new icons of the Status Bar


New mod Lockscreen

Contacts, Phone and USB


This Custom Rom is only meant for Samsung galaxy y model gt-s5360. Use it at your own Risk we will not be held responsible for what ever happens to your device. The information provided here is only for instructional and educational purpose.

How to Flash :

o  At first if you are on other rom goto stock rom {How to flash via odin guide here }

o  Then reboot in Recovery mode By pressing Volume up + power button + home button then apply update from sd card then select CMW. madteam .Zip

o  Then in cwm select wipe data then yes wipe data.

o  Then Select Wipe cache Partition then yes wipe cache.

o  Then go to mounts & storage second last option in cwm then select mount & storage then mount all the four things
mount/data, mount/sdcard, mount/system, mount/cache..

o  Then Go back and select install zip from sd card... then choose zip from sd card then choose the from sd card.....

o Select "yes" wait till it finish flashing

o Reboot now

Note : It takes more time to first boot! don't panic just wait.


Azizul Rahman 5 June 2013 at 01:34

i have done everything but the boot is taking time. its been morethan 15minutes and its still booting. please help me out..!!

Azizul Rahman 5 June 2013 at 03:01

i have done everything correct but my phone is stuck on boot screen. its been morethan 2hours and seriously need help. pleaseeee

Azizul Rahman 5 June 2013 at 03:49

my mobile is still stuck on boot screen. i tried removing the battery but in vain. pleasee helpp mee... pleasee relyyy

Mick Ellis 7 June 2013 at 14:12

Worked a treat first time - Thanks for the share. Love it already.

Mick Ellis 7 June 2013 at 14:13

Worked perfectly first time. Thanks for the share.

Ravi Shankar 9 June 2013 at 08:27

is phone must be rooted before rooting of evolution 5 rom?
and will you please upload video tutotial for this?

Ravi Shankar 9 June 2013 at 08:29

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Ravi Shankar 9 June 2013 at 08:39

This comment has been removed by the author.

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